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Die Sets & Components

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We carry the largest stock of die sets and components in BC for Western Canada.

Click the "(+) Info" tab for details on die sets we stock.

Please take a moment to go through some of the die sets, die components, ball bearing components, sliding mold component, ball bearing die sets, and precision die sets available by looking through the following catalogues:

P.T.I. Punch Tools Inc. Inventory on Hand for Punch Blanks

(Click to see) Punch Tools Die Sets Inventory/Stock Sheet (Updated 7/12/2024)



Call Punch Tools at (604) 521-6444 or 1-800-668-4996

(Click here to email) Email Danielle at

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PTI Punch Tools In team

PTI Punch Tools Inc
11-211 Schoolhouse Street
Coquitlam, BC, Canada. V3K4X9

604-521-6444 | 1-800-668-4996

© 2024 PTI Punch Tools Inc. All rights reseved
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